We are the local dealer for McNear Brick.
Why Thin Brick?
Full bricks which are non load
bearing should never ever be considered anymore because:
they weight 80% more, consume 80% more energy to fire, ship and so forth. The
walls leak moisture and air and have no r value and a high u factor. They
require excessive amounts of steel to hold it up on the building, excessive
amounts of cement to lay the brick, larger building foundations and higher
taxes since property is measured from outside dimensions by Uncle Sam. There
are high amounts of jobsite waste and the room for install error is huge. It is
a very touchy and mis- understood product to use....... to put it mildly.
Now, as we all know anything no matter how good something is it can be screwed
up by someone who does not want it to work ie full size bricks installers, full
size brick salesman, and full size brick manufacturers.
Field applied thin brick interior or exterior is the only thing that makes any
sense if you really do all the research and take into account all the
Ultimate wall system goes like this 1) studs 2) densglas/plywood 3)moisture
barrier and 2.5 inches of polystyrene blue board 4) cement
board(replaces lath and scratch coat) 5) polymer modified thin set 6)thinbrick
7) polymer modified pointing mortar.
Ba-Bam!!! Now your electrcity bill is 40% lower, your hvac tonnage can be less,
you have no future pest control expense, no mold abatement expense, no moisture
penetration, no salts to be cleaned off the wall after installation, no harsh
acid cleaners, less weight to deal with during and earth quake, when power is lost during a
snow storm for 3 days the house stays warmer longer and vice versa in a hot climate
when the ac is not working. I could write much more but will wait for now.
Any nice intelligent questions are welcomed. Otherwise do it like your Granddad
did it. Don't Change I don't care!